1.Understanding: Trainees will understand a diversity of strands of
Christian spirituality.
2. Understanding: Trainees
will understand the relationship of the three main traditions of spiritual
growth to urban poor ministry.
3. Skill: Trainees
will evaluate the effectiveness of their spiritual disciplines in enabling
them to cope with the pressures of urban life.
4. Character: Trainees will understand the effect of stress on spirituality
and family by identifying three major stressors and determining changes of
lifestyle or spiritual practices to cope with them.
1.Knowledge: To understand the relationship
of the anointing of the Spirit and ministry among the poor.
2. Character: To have opportunity in a supportive context for prayer
that breaks barriers to the work of the Holy Spirit in each others lives.
1. Skill: To observe the
nature of a yearly renewable set of lifestyle, value and ministry
2. Skill: To develop a framework for evaluating spirituality in relationship
to wealth, poverty and simplicity.