[Company Logo Image] Profiles of Workers

Go Up One Level Profiles of Workers Holistic Ministries Focus Groups Integrated Church Training Commission Focus Group Summary Columbian Pastor Training Commission Grassroots (PP) Assessment Report Training Slum Pastors Learning Networks Uganda Kenya Training Carlisle College, Kenya Filipino Issues Kolkata Training Naga Training Cell Churches Naga Missions 

Profiles of Workers

What are the competencies of Workers? 

Ideas from discussion groups:

Group 1 – Mobilizers – shared by

Emphasis on prayer
a.  Individually
b.  In group
Focused on Jesus as ultimate vision for lives – they are secure in their identity as child of God
3.  Living simple lifestyle of humility and incarnation
Administrative skills
a.  Financial mgmt.
   ii. Organizationally
Understanding govt. requirements
Sensitive to community needs
Cultural understanding
Language understanding
Open eyes and open ears – observation skills
Conflict resolution and counseling skills

Group 2 – church planters -shared by Kevin
Knowledge of scriptures
Strong prayer life
Small groups
Connecting groups together
Individual purpose and calling
Integrating holistic ministries
Communication skills
ense of God’s fear upon them
Team building
Discernment of spiritual skills
eadership capacity
Character- longsuffering
Spiritual warfare and spiritual deliverance
ive sacrificially
Find a good wife or husband!
Ethics understanding 

Group 3 – holistic ministry, CP - shared by Pastor Jun Paragas
For school planting

Training in implementing a preschool curriculum
Understanding the community
Networking abilities
Understanding systemic circumstances
Financial management –personal and community
Micro finance management
Micro enterprise development
AIDS awareness
School admin
Understanding how to work with the marginalized
Facilitate the building of networks
Implementing prayer movements
How to disciple new believers
Training in sustainable spirituality
Developing an holistic theology
Understanding transformational theology
Bible study skills
Counseling skills

Group 4 – holistic ministry – shared by Zeny
Community development
Health and nutrition
i.   HIV
ii.   Sanitation
iii.  Environment

Group 5 –
Hears and obeys God
Specific calling
Knows biblical teaching on poverty
Pure and whole heart
Able to heal others
Fulfills biblical requirements
Prayer warrior and mobilizer
Transformational leader
rings ambition to others
Team build
12. Wise to bring wiser ones in
Financial integrity
Wise to tap other sources
knowledge of nationhood
Knows strongholds of demons
Has pastoral heart
Environment/eco understanding
Facilitating skills

We will now try to organize these competencies under domains and see what emphases training for urban poor workers/church planters has that is unique to this type of specialized training;

 Christian spirituality                             

The ability to pray daily for all aspects of life and ministry
-The ability to pray authoritatively and encounter the enemy in spiritual warfare from a well developed understanding
of the powers
-The ability to implement daily bible reading and meditation
-The ability to understand how to grow into spiritual maturity both in self and others
-Understands how to develop sustainable spirituality
-Understand the importance of adopting biblical values in ones own life
-Understands self – personality, giftedness, weaknesses and strengths
-Know how to develop spiritual gifts in self and others
-Develops a healthy relationship with family and resolved any past conflicts through humility, reconciliation, and restitution
_Develops a healthy relationships with the leadership of home church, and has the ability to relate well to the members of that local church and to the wider family of God’s community especially trans-denominationally
-Relates well to the community as a whole
-The ability to hear from God and obey God from a personal encounter with God and knows how to avoid delusions
-Understands how to relate and respond to the Holy Spirit and increase the anointing on one’s life

-Has developed a godly life patterned after Jesus Christ’s example
-Understands how to avoid, and overcome temptation and resist sin
-Experiences and lives in personal deliverance and freedom

-Is not fearful of power encounters and knows ones authority in Christ
-Understands and implements the presence of God in ungodly situations
-Understand how to develop critical, creative and reflective thinking skills

Christian mission

-Has planted a church in a slum community and has a range of strategies for different types of slums
-Understands the key requirements in planting an indigenous church
-Understanding the principles that displaced or migrant people are most receptive to the gospel
-The theme of mission in the Bible, mission is central to God’s heart
-God’s heart is reflected in compassion and mercy for the poor
-Understands the principle of God’s action is that He moves from the least to the greatest
-Understands cross cultural mission
-Can play at least one musical instrument in an outreach team
-Understands ethnomusicology and appreciates a range of worship music
-Understands the principles of phonetics in language learning
-Understands a practical method of community based language learning
-Understands the importance of indigenous theology to an indigenous people
-Understands worldview and can construct a worldview analysis for one people group other than one’s own
-Understands the relationship between ecclesiology and mission and its importance to church growth

Christian leadership

-Understanding how to become an advocate of urban poor issues
-Understanding the concept of incarnational leadership
-Understanding the prophetic responsibility that bears the reproach of the people represented by the leader and how He/she will be involved in the implementation of the prophetic vision
-Has the ability to lead a small group of people to spiritual maturity
-Has the ability to network Christian leaders
-Has the ability to develop leadership among the poor women in the community
-Has the ability to mentor emerging leaders
-Has the ability to recognize the gifts in church members and assist members to develop their leadership ability
-Understands the importance of  integrity and Christ-like character
-Has the ability to release others into ministry and leadership
-Has team building and facilitation skills
-Understands how to develop critical, creative and reflective thinking skills
-Has a vision for and can implement transformational development
-Has good people skills with mature discernment skills and sensitivity
-Has transparent financial accountability
-A servant leader who hears from God and does not fear people but obeys God even when it is not popular
-Understands respectful attitudes among community and government leaders
-Has a pastoral heart that cares for people and facilitates other peoples development
-Has a good understanding of the history of the community in which he is a leader and the contextual issues that are Important to the community
-Knows how to access the resources in the Government and local authority for the benefit of the poor
-Has the ability to give leadership to a prayer movement
-Understands what vision is and how to develop a vision
-Understands values oriented leadership and its relationship to vision
-Has demonstrated public relations skills with influential leaders

Specific specialist character qualities for a urban poor Christian leader

-Has the ability to persevere when facing discouragement
-Has an ability to be creative
-Perceptive and observant
-Humility and servant lifestyle
-Sensitive to community needs
-Does not have a dominating or bossy attitude
-Culturally sensitive
-Can confront conflict and deal with it in a biblical manner
-Has spiritual discernment
-Hospitable and yet able to live a simple lifestyle
-Secure in their identity and calling
-An encourager and can sincerely compliment others on their achievements

-Understands their authority in Christ and is not fearful to confront demons

Ecclesiology (study of the Church)
-Understands what constitutes a church
-Understands three patterns of church government
-Understands the history of the church from 33AD to 313AD
-Understands the history of the church in his/her nation and region
-Understands principles of church growth
-Understands the special needs of a slum church
-Understands cell church models, house church models and traditional church models
-Understands the nature, history and theology of the denomination the trainee is a member of.
-Understands the role of women in the church and their contribution to church growth
-Understands the ministry gift ministries (Eph 4v11-15) and their function and operation in the Church

Biblical Studies                                    
-Has completed a survey of the Old Testament
-Has completed a survey of the New Testament
-Understands four major themes in the Bible, mission, kingdom, the least to the greatest movement, and servant leadership.
-Has studied an exegesis of Isaiah, Luke and the Book of Acts
-Has the studied the themes of prayer, church, faith, compassion, prayer,
-the powers, spiritual gifts and leadership in the New Testament
-Knows how to study, understand and apply the Bible and is able to teach the Bible
-Has studied the New Testament Church life and the values of the NT Church that mad it transformational e.g. hospitality, servant leadership, discipleship, multiplication of ministries, spiritual gifts, development of leaders, church planting, mobile mission teams, suffering and hardship etc.
-Has a biblical view of revival and how God moves in fresh ways by His Spirit


-Understand an evangelical holistic theology
-Contextual theology – a number of people had concerns about this subject? Worries about syncretism and demon influence
-Understands transformational theology
-Has the ability to participate in transformational conversations and discern the theology of those conversations
-Has an understanding of holistic theology
-Understand pastoral theology
-Understand a theology of cross cultural mission
-Has an excellent understanding of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith
-Understands the major differences between an evangelical theology and a pentecostal theology
-Understands the nature and character of God in Trinity
-Understands the recent impact of Trinitarian theology on mission and its application for the church in the community

-Understands Christology and pneumatology

  Social Ministries

-Can develop a mission statement with biblical values for all social ministry activity 
-Understands the needs of prostitutes and the effects of prostitution on society and has the ability to give leadership to a ministry to prostitutes offering alternative employment
-Understands the needs of drug addicts and its effects on families, the community and criminal activity and has the ability to give leadership to a ministry to drug addicts
-Understands how to give leadership to a ministry for disabled and special needs people
-Understands how to set up a family and youth counseling service
-Understands the principle of referral and has developed a portfolio of trusted agencies that clients can be referred too.
-Has the ability to publish a directory of social services the community can access for help
-Has the ability to develop a school based discipleship program for children and youth
-Has carried out a research project on a community developing the demographics and a profile of the people in the community

Pastoral Care                                         

Has the ability to expound a clear understanding of a biblical view of poverty and its impact on the human personality
-The ability to introduce and develop a discipleship program for the development of congregational spirituality and faith practice
-The ability to implement a faith/value based education program for all church members (e.g. an all age program)
-Has the ability to express diaconal responsibility for a group of urban poor people
-Has the ability to develop a church ministry and leadership development plan for at least five years
-Understand the development of spiritual leadership from conversion to discipleship to diaconal leadership to eldership and apostolic responsibility
-Understand the spiritual and mental development of the human personality
-Understands principles of compassion, mercy and justice in pastoral care and counseling
-Has the ability to organize a children’s ministry program
-Understands the importance of a prayerful dependence on God in ministry to people
-Understands and has planned a balanced Christian ministry lifestyle as a pastor that will be sustainable over a long term ministry
-Has shown signs of endurance over a period of time and is able to initiate a self motivated plan for ministry an carry it out
-Has a well developed time management plan
-Has the ability to hear from God and obey His voice
-Is able to appreciate manifestations of God’s power and love and positively explain them to a congregation
-Understands the principles of revival and has a passion to see God move in a fresh way
-Understands and has experienced the refreshing movements of God’s Spirit
-Has the ability to carry out family counseling
-Has the ability to offer biblical and or practical guidance to a family
-Understands the sacraments of the church and has administered them
-Has taken under supervision a marriage ceremony, infant dedication or baptism, an adult baptism and a funeral

Community organization

The ability to develop networks and coalitions
-The ability to birth or pioneer a church or a community organization
-The ability to develop a community development plan for at least five years
-The ability to set up a TEE program
-The ability to be a facilitator of urban poor/church planter training
-The ability to understand how micro finance and enterprise can be organized
-The ability to organize a land rights movement for informal settlers (squatters)
-Understands how to start a pre-school and primary school
-Understands how to develop a preschool and primary school curriculum
-Has the ability to research/assess the needs of a community through community participation
-Has the ability to help a community develop a strategic plan
-Has the ability to identify the resources available to the community both within  and without
-Knows several funding agencies that can be tapped for community development funding – both government and private sources
-Has the ability to develop proposals and make applications to funding  agencies
-Has the ability to form an advocacy group and understands the key principles of advocacy
-Has the ability to organize a community AIDS awareness program


Understands the importance of the creator God concept in every culture
-Understands how to contextualize myths for the purpose of explaining God’s message into the history of a culture
-Understanding a biblical development of mankind and the purpose of humanity
-Understanding the purpose of sin and evil in human history


Has experience in the application of cross-cultural communication
-Can expound a biblical understanding of biblical social values
-Can build and lead a team
-Can lead 50 people and communicate effectively with them
-Can delegate responsibilities and communicate how they are to be carried out in a satisfactory manner
-Understands conflict management and how to negotiate a solution or reconciliation
-Able to preach the Word of God in context an make it understandable to the context for the audience
-Able to prepare and facilitate a Bible Study with a group of 10 or more people
-Can prepare and advise a family about a family financial plan and freedom from debt
-Strategies for communicating with Dads that are gang members
-Understanding how to communicate effectively with the Police
-Understand how to work with political parties
-Has the skills required for diplomacy when dealing with political leaders


Understand the nature of human communities
-Understand a biblical view of human social development
-Understand a biblical view of race and power in societies

-Understanding issues in disenfranchisement, marginalization  
Understands how to introduce a literacy program
-Understands the political process of local government
-Understand the political philosophy of the main national parties
-Understands the Health, education, religious and community development policies of the government
-Understands the stages of the educational development of human beings
-Understanding the characteristics of different slums

Kingdom economics

To understand a biblical theology of land and its relationship to community wealth
-To understand the development of community wealth through local cooperative enterprise
-To understand the significance of housing for community welfare and participate in a project
-To understand the significance of employment for community and personal welfare
-To understand a biblical view of economics
-To study the economic effect of several cases of urban income generation, job creation, and self-employment employment strategies that have been implemented.

Small business development                

-Understand s the principles of micro-enterprise
-Understand the principles of micro finance
-Has participated in the administration of a micro enterprise project
-Has a working knowledge of at least three micro enterprise projects
-Understands the basics of book-keeping
-Understands the legal, and business regulations required to start a small business in the local community

Health and hygiene

-To understand the delivery of care for AIDS sufferers
-To participate in the delivery of maternal natal health care
-To participate in the delivery of child care, nutrition and development
-To understand how to implement an immunization program
-To research the infant-mortality statistics and bring them to public attention
-To understand basic sanitation standards and help implement them in a given area

 Water Resources     

-To understand how to implement safe water strategies and be involved in a project for this purpose
-To participate in a safe water project
-To understand microbiological agents and vectorborne diseases and how they contribute to water pollution
-To understand the impact of clean water on child mortality and disease


-To understand sustainable resource management
-To understand a biblical theology of the care of natural resources
-To participate  in a project recycling of waste
-To participate in the safe disposal of toxic waste through the study of projects for the safe disposal of toxic waste


© Viv Grigg & Urban Leadership Foundationand other materials © by various contributors & Urban Leadership Foundation,  for The Encarnacao Training Commission.  Last modified: July 2010